Saturday 29 June 2013

Oreo-Topped Custard Pots

I love trying out new foodie products so when these intriguing-looking Oreo products made an appearance in the "exotic cuisine" section of our local store, I couldn't resist popping a box into my basket. Made by the brand Royal, they have been imported from Spain so they are called Natillas - they look like custard pots but I wasn't really sure what to expect. 
As you can see in the top photo, you get three sachets - two for the custardy base and one sachet of Oreo pieces to sprinkle over the top. You need one sachet of custard and half of the Oreos sachet for five dessert pots. You add "4-8 spoonfuls" (a bit vague - do they mean teaspoons or tablespoons? I went for 4 tablespoons and figured that would be about 8 teaspoons so I'd be within the range either way !) and 750ml of milk. The recipe says full fat (well, I assume that is what "leche entera" means anyway, as it's "lait entier" in French !) but I used skimmed and it worked fine.

First problem, all the instructions were in Spanish ! I managed to work most of it out, even without typing it all into Google Translator, which left me feeling quite chuffed as I've never had a single lesson of Spanish in my life !
You blend the milk and the custard mix and bring it to the boil, stirring continuously. It went very thick and gloopy.

Pour into five ramekins, leave to go cold and refrigerate for several hours.

When it has set, sprinkle over the Oreo pièces and serve.
The jury is well and truly out on this one. Juliette absolutely loved it, Pierre didn't like it, Sophie ate it but wasn't keen and I thought it didn't really taste of anything much. I still have the other half of the box to use so I'll be adding vanilla to the custard part next time to give it a bit more oomph.
It was interesting to try though !
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  1. They look quite tasty and my kids are mad about Oreo's so I will give them a try!


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