Sunday 23 June 2013

Sunday Weigh-in : Cheesed Off

I've had a reasonable week foodwise - lots of salad, some soup, mainly fresh fruit as dessert ... I've been baking with the kids but only had a small taste before letting them polish it all off. I have eaten some chocolate but only a small amount. There were a couple of days that we complained about the menu at the school canteen because it wasn't particularly healthy (Kebab and chips in a school canteen? really?!) but I made the best of a bad job and picked salad and fruit as starter and dessert. Oh and there was a chocolate birthday cake for Madhouse Daddy's birthday last Sunday. But I even managed to fit in a quick session with my new fitness DVD. So I was more than a little bit peeved to jump on the scales and see a huge gain this week - more than a kilo. I haven't had a gain that big since Christmas ! I even got off and back on again convinced that it was the scales playing up but no, I've put on this week. My wedding ring is feeling tight and my feet were puffy when I took off my boots a couple of times last week so hopefully it's mainly water retention. Verdict next week but I'm not a happy bunny !

Well, something strange has just happened - I've just jumped on the scales and it flashed up 79.2kg. That's still a gain of 700g from last week but this time yesterday morning, it flashed up 80.0kg so I'm actually less unhappy than I was yesterday. Thank heavens for small mercies ! My badges make me want to cry though ! Last week they said 31lb lost/26lb to go, this week they've tipped back over to 28lb lost/29lb to go - aaaagggghhhh ! 

Positives of the week

- I've got a new fitness DVD that only needs half an hour so I should be able to squeeze it in quite regularly - I did it on Friday and could really feel it in my legs yesterday and today !

- School holidays are almost here so I'll have more time for planning and cooking healthy options, plus I'll no longer be at the mercy of the school canteen chef !

This week's targets 

Last week's target was : Get back to 77.7kg or less. Start listening to the SlimPod again.(Failed. Big time.)

This week's target is :  - Lose what I put on this week. Do the Total Cardio Burn workout at least twice (I'll be aiming to build up to alternate days eventually.)

Longer-term targets : Ultimately to hit the 60's.

STILL TO GO : 13.2kg

Feel free to add your weightloss posts to our weekly linkie - it's great to see how everyone else has been getting on and give each other support and encouragement :) 

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

 MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  1. Sorry to hear the scales didn't give you a good number. I've also had a bad week, next week will be better for both of us. Well done on the fitness DVD and good luck for next week xx

    1. Not going to let it get me down - frustrating though !

  2. Good luck for this week, I'm sure you'll get the weight off again ;-) x

  3. I find the wii fit plus is good fun and gets the body shaking. Yesterday a new game arrived through the post which was Just Dance for Kids wii. After a few games on that I really felt I'd done some exercising!


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