Sunday 10 February 2013

Soak Yourself Love Soak Bath Ritual review

In the days back before I was a mum, I'd happily spend an hour or more soaking in the bathtub, letting the day's worries and stresses melt away and topping up the hot water when it started getting cold. I'd get out looking as wrinkled as an old prune but feeling rejuvenated and relaxed each time. Fast forward a decade and the bath is reserved for the Madhouse Mini Testers because these days, I'm lucky if I get ten minutes in peace to have a shower without someone shouting through the door about lost PE kit or urgent homework or can I go on Facebook please, Mum?

Well, no more ! When I saw a tweet go by from Love Soak asking for people to review their Bath Ritual Recipe Collection, it made me get all nostalgic for my long soaks in the tub. They sent me through their Valentine-themed Love Soak kit and I immediately fell in love with the idea. It's more than just a selection of bath products. You get everything you need for the complete holistic experience, including a permission slip to find one hour for yourself. If you're a busy mum juggling the kids, a job and keeping the house running, you know how hard it can be to find yourself some me-time so being told to take one hour out of the day and go and pamper yourself is much appreciated.

The kit contains :

- a 5ml bottled blend of sandalwood, frankincense, patchouli and cedar organic essential oils

-  a muslin bag containing silk and spice fizzing and foaming bath powders, salts and oils

- a patchouli and vetiver soap

- a candle and candle holder

- a little bottle of lovers' blend massage oil

- two chocolate flake teabags to enjoy a delicious cup of tea each while you SOAK

You also get instructions telling you how much of the oil and salts to use. I popped a big fluffy towel on the radiator to warm up and sneaked off to the bathroom for a whole 45 minutes of uninterrupted bliss.

The bath salts smell wonderful and give you a complete mind and body destress. The website explains : "Soaking in a bath with epsom salts (which is high in magnesium) for about 20 minutes is an easy way to give your body and muscles an instant boost, as most of us are deficient in Magnesium." According to the Epsom Salt Council, they can assist in everything from reducing irregular heartbeats, lowering blood pressure, soothing aches and pains and reducing the severity of diabetes to increasing the efficiency of the body to expel toxins, easing migraines, reducing stress, lifting your mood and improving your body's absorption of nutrients and oxygen. Wow ! I was impressed to see that they create lovely bubbles too and don't feel gritty or grainy, like some bath salts.

The soap smells lovely too and leaves your skin feeling nicely moisturised. You can tell it's a handmade soap and contains all natural ingredients. Just look at the ingredients list : Extra Virgin Olive oil
, Coconut oil, 
Shea Butter, 
Sunflower oil, 
Castor Bean oil
, Spring water, 
Aromatherapy quality essential oils, 
Fresh fruits and organic botanicals, 
Natural plant colours and clays. No hidden nasties at all.

All ingredients used by Soak Yourself are natural and organic and sourced in the UK as far as possible. As well as feeling lovely and relaxed in your mind and body, you can also get that extra warm, snuggly feeling inside from knowing you're helping others. 50p from the sale of each box of SOAK Yourself bath rituals will go to help charities in need of support – from funding computers in youth centres, to buying plants for a hospice garden, a day trip out for an elderly person or giving a sick child an experience they’ve always dreamed of.

There are seven different Bath Rituals to choose from - Broken Heart, Feeling Groovy, Full Moon, Love, Muscle, Remedy and Blanche The Blues. They all come in a brightly coloured, impressive-looking box and are perfect for Mothers' Day and Valentine's gifts, or just to help pick up a friend who's feeling down.

They're not cheap - each kit costs £40 - but the whole point is proving to yourself (or the recipient) that you're worth it, and that means finding the time and budget to put yourself first for a change.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £40

for more information :

Disclosure : I received a Love Soak Bath Ritual in order to write an honest review.

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