Friday 3 July 2015

Madhouse recipe : Giant cookie to share

When I saw the idea of a  Pizzookie or One Pan Cookie - basically a giant cookie to share - on French foodie blog Les Gourmands {Disent} d'Amélie, I thought we definitely needed to give it a go here at The Madhouse. Here's how we got on.

Giant cookie to share

ingredients :

100 g butter
1 pinch salt
130g sugar (preferably  light brown)
1 egg
200g self-raising flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
Smarties (or chocolate chips or nuts or whatever else takes your fancy really !)

Melt the butter directly in the frying pan that you will be using for your cookie.

Turn off the heat and mix in the sugar. Leave to cool for a few minutes then mix in the egg. (If you don't leave it to cool, it will scramble !)

Add the flour, baking powder and salt and blend together with a spatula.

Press it out to cover the bottom of the pan and sprinkle with Smarties.

Lots and lots of Smarties !

Bake in the oven at 180° for 15 minutes.

Leave to cool in the pan.

Cut into wedges and serve. I was worried it might stick or crumble but the slices came out really easily. The kids thought it was great fun to have a giant cookie to share. I did find it slightly drier than normal cookies though, maybe because of the longer cooking time.


  1. Ooo that looks SO yummy! The perfect weekend treat :)

    Helen x

  2. I think I will do this for my children this weekend, they'll think I'm the best mum ever if I do!

  3. Oh my now that looks good! I would be too tempted to eat it all myself though. I have no will power when it comes to treats x

  4. I love this idea. It would get demolished quickly in this house

  5. Wow that cookie looks amazing, please can I have a slice?

    1. Well, I would say yes but it's long gone, I'm afraid !!


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