Wednesday 28 May 2014

#alphabetphoto project : C is for ... crocodile teeth !

Into a new week of the alphabetphoto project and another letter - the letter C. Aha, I instantly had an idea for this one ... After spotting them on the shelf this week, Pierre has become totally fascinated by these crocodile teeth that we brought back from holiday a couple of years ago. He asked me how the tooth fairy managed to get in and take them without being snapped up by the crocodiles, then wondered what she left for them in place of the teeth because they wouldn't be able to use money !

I've just been showing him the photos from our holiday because he was too young to remember - this was the Crocodile Farm in Djerba, Tunisia, that the teeth came from. (If you want to see more of our Tunisian holiday snaps, they're here.) The park keepers handed out any teeth that they found in the enclosures to visiting children. We weren't lucky enough to get any but we did stumble across a man who was selling them for a handful of coins on the way out.

This also made me laugh because I'd forgotten all the fun we had on that holiday putting a little wooden doll that we'd named Jenny Woodenmum in various silly poses, such as these ones with the crocodiles !

She even had her own blog, which you can see in my sidebar - this is a great project for the kids to get involved in over the summer to keep them busy and bring out their creative side. Maybe we'll take her on holiday again this year and add some more posts !

My #alphabetproject so far :

To see what everyone else found for the letter C or to join in yourself, head over to PODcast

Other blogposts you may be interested in :


  1. Very original idea for the letter C, Cheryl. Great post! I like your idea of Woodenmum. She adds another dimension to your holiday photos. All the best, Bonny

    1. LOL I knew what this letter would be as soon as I started the challenge ! I'll have to get my thinking cap on for the others though :)

  2. Wow crocodile teeth, how fab! My boys would be fascinated by them

    1. it's one of those things that everyone, whatever their age, looks at and says wow when they see them on the shelf !

  3. I just read your Jenny Woodenmum blog and the pictures are hilarious! I love it, such a good idea for kids when going on day trips and holidays in the school holidays.

    1. It started as a competition from John Crane (who make the dolls) but it was so much fun, it turned into a full blown project with its own blog !

  4. What an amazing thing to have, I love your Sons comments about the tooth fairy, so cute! #AlphabetPhoto

    1. It made me smile but I couldn't think of a good answer ! I told him chicken legs but he didn't look convinced !! lol

  5. OOoohh scary! I love the doll. Made the photo more dare i say cute? #AlphabetPhoto

    1. You can say cute ! There were baby crocodiles about 20cm long that were definitely cute. Their mums and dads not so much though !

  6. Now that is an unusual thing to have around the place. Not surprised that it made the cut for the letter C. Pity the poor tooth fairy. #AlphabetPhoto

  7. Love this, such a great 'C' :) So original! #Alphabetphoto

  8. Sounds like an adventurous holiday, glad Jenny Woodenmum survived!

    1. She loved it, she'll be trying to stow again this year, I'm sure ! lol

  9. Oh my, crocodile teeth! Fab! Such an original idea. We may be using our own version of Woodenmum in the future too. My little ones are just starting to gain an interest in taking photos and this would be a fab idea for them. Thanks for sharing! Sx

  10. Oh my word how amazing! Must have been an incredible place to visit too, what great memories especially with the wooden doll! Great post, thank you for sharing and linking up with #whatsthestory

  11. Fabulous! I'm sure yours will be the only C is for crocodile teeth! xx #alphabetphoto

  12. How cool is that shot. Pretty cool thing to have I reckon too. We have shark teeth! lol x


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