Friday 13 February 2015

What's Cooking at The Madhouse? menu plan 13/2 #Dukan2

Well, my first week on the Dukan 2 diet was actually easier than I expected so I'll keep it going this week and see what happens.

Saturday (carbs allowed)

lunch - I'm in a meeting in the morning so probably a quick trip to McDonald's in which case I'll go for a salmon salad. If we stay at home, I'll make ham omelettes.

dinner - As carbs are allowed, I think I need a nice big bowl of pasta - with bolognese or carbonara sauce, I think - yum !

Sunday (everything allowed)

lunch - can't beat a proper Sunday roast - although Madhouse Daddy will be off doing carnival so the kids may twist my arm to make something else (probably a carpet picnic, that's what they usually want !)

dinner -  soup or salad

Monday (protein day)

dinner -  Monday's are the only days that are tricky because it's a pure protein day - maybe scrambled eggs with ham

Tuesday (protein + veg day)

dinner - chicken with ratatouille

Wednesday (protein + veg + fruit)

lunch - steak with grilled tomatoes, onions and mushrooms (plus mash for the kids and Madhouse Daddy)

dinner - salmon with a bag of frozen veg of some description

Thursday (bread allowed)

dinner - meat loaf with salad

Friday (cheese allowed)

dinner - homemade soup

***Click on my Menu Plans tag to see all my other weekly menu plan blogposts.***

Meal Planning Monday

Want to see what everyone else is eating ? Head over to Meal Planning Monday at Mrs M's blog !

1 comment:

  1. I struggle with meal planning! Trying to get my hubby to eat veg, he likes it but would prefer a plate full of meat!


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