Saturday 15 December 2012

"Welcome To The Motherhood" rap !

I absolutely adore being a mum, love my kids to bits and couldn't imagine my life without them. But I have to admit, there are certain days when I really can't wait for bedtime to come around because they're driving me batty ! It's not as bad now they're getting older but I can remember those early days with a newborn in the house when sleep deprivation, raging hormones and a screaming baby could - and frequently did !- have me at my wits' end !

I'm sure I'm not alone - in fact I know I'm not because my twitter, facebook and blog-reader feeds are full of mummy-blogger types sounding off about the trials and tribulations of parenting ! - so I'm sure this video will strike a chord with many of us. I'm sure it will have its fair share of critics but it had me giggling !

I love the tongue-in-cheek imitation of gansta rap with the "bitches and hose" in the car and, let's be honest, is there any mum out there who won't giggle guiltily and admit to polishing off leftover fishfingers from the kids' plates instead of sorting out something sensible to eat ? Leaky boobs, snot, sick and even sharing episiotomy scars ... this video is like an uncut version of What To Expect When You're Expecting, really telling it like it is, rather than the romanticised Hollywood version of motherhood.

I must admit that I had no idea what it was advertising until I read the text accompanying the video. It's been created by Fiat to promote their new 500L car but I'm sure most mums will appreciate the humour of the rap and share it with their friends without hardly even noticing the car in the background ! It's a far cry from the male-oriented car ads focusing on horse power and top speeds and numbers of cylinders and goodness knows what other technical things that just make me tune out!

So click through to have a look and let me know what you think. Did it make you laugh ? And would it make you buy a car ?!

Disclosure : This is a sponsored, but hopefully still entertaining, post !

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DVD review : What To Expect When You're Expecting

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Vive la différence ! - the French-Anglo Parenting Divide !

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