Monday 21 October 2013

Kids' DVD review : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Collection

Calling all children of the eighties ! If I say to you Cowabunga, what do you immediately think of? Yes, that's right - "Heroes in a half shell, Turtle Power" ! I have to admit, I was never really a huge fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (or I seem to think they were Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles for a while) when I was growing up because they were more of a boy-thing, but I do remember my male cousins having loads of plastic green figures and telling me all about Leonardo (or Leo - in the blue mask, he's the leader), Raphael (or Raph, the bad boy, in the red mask), Michelangelo (often called Mikey or Mike, the joker of the pack) and Donatello (known as Don or Donnie, in the purple mask, who is the geeky scientific/techie one).

Pierre (but also Juliette) have taken to watching the animated version on TV but they'd never seen the original live-action 1980's version, so when the opportunity arose to review the bumper triple feature, newly-released for the first time as a complete collection on DVD (and the first time ever on Blu-Ray), I jumped at the chance.

The three DVDs are as follows :

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I The Original Movie: For years Michaelangelo, Leonardo, Donatello and Raphael have lived deep in the sewers of New York, learning the art of Ninja from their master, Splinter. But when a massive crime wave sweeps the city, the man-sized, pizza-eating Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles join forces with reporter April O'Neil and vigilante Casey Jones to combat the corrupt gang of criminals and their mysterious leader...the evil Shredder.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II The Secret Of The Ooze: The turtles are up to their shells in trouble when a canister of toxic ooze falls into the hands of the evil master Shredder. Aided by their new pal Keno, the pizza delivery boy, the turtles take on the Shredder and his mutant allies, Rahzar and Tokka, to capture and destroy the dangerous ooze and make the world safe for Turtles, humans and pizza.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III Turtles In Time: When April O'Neil buys what she thinks is a harmless Japanese antique its magical powers are revealed when she is thrust back in time 400 years to 17th century Japan and into the hands of an evil Emperor. Our turtley awesome heroes only have days to travel back in time, defeat ancient warriors, rescue April and somehow make it back home while the pizza's still hot.

Special features: Behind the Shells: The Making Of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (30mins), Promotional Trailers, Scene Access, Stills Gallery

We all settled down, I popped on the DVD and Pierre squealed "looook, it's the turtles and they're real" ! Too cute ! I must admit, it all looked really dated to me - you can tell it's from the 80's - so I wasn't sure what the kids would think, but they didn't seem to even notice.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are set to be huge again with the impending 2014 release of Michael Bay’s $125 million live-action reboot, so this is a great place to revise your classics and take a trip down memory lane, straight back into the 80's !

star rating : 4/5

RRP : £14.99 DVD/ £24.99 Blu-Ray

  • Number of discs: 3
  • Classification: PG
  • Studio: Mediumrare
  • DVD Release Date: 28 Oct 2013
  • Run Time: 267 minutes

Disclosure : We received a copy of the DVD in order to write an honest review.

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1 comment:

  1. Ah ah, my 2 kids love TMNJ (Les Tortues Ninja!)!


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