Normally, when I receive a household item for review, I have to ask myself the question 'Does it do the job it's intended for ?'. Whenever something arrives from the Camouflage Company, that question is always replaced by : 'How many different uses can I think of for this then ?' ! Since arriving in our house, their ingenious duffel carrier has been used as a play mat, picnic mat, crafts mat, laundry bag, laundry drip catcher, sledge ... oh and even a duffel carrier from time to time ! I was therefore really excited when they asked me if I'd like to review one of their new Space Saver Bags.
However hard we try, we can't all be domestic godesses, especially with small kids and pets making a mess faster than we can clean, so the Camouflage Company's fantastically well thought-out products can be your best friend and hide a multitude of sins, camouflaging your clutter, hence their slogan "glams up clutter, makes mess look less". This innovative Space Saver Bag does just that.
It looks just like a big brown paper bag but is actually made of a resistant plasticky material. As well as being water resistant and wipe clean, it's 100% recyclable. It is absolutely perfect as a laundry bag as it will resist any drips of laundry detergent or water and steam but it can also be used as a funky storage system for bulky winter jumpers, bedding, towels, ... in fact anything you want to store out of the way. It's a fantastic portable toy chest for all the annoying little toys that kids always want to spread out all over the floor (top tip : use the duffle carrier flat as a play mat then pour it all in the space saver bag for an instant tidy up that will avoid little bits getting sucked up in the hoover !). It's also a great place for tidying away shoes that invariably take up a lot of floor space in the porch, garage or wherever else they end up getting left lying around !
Depending on what you're storing in it, you can either leave the mesh part on show so that you can see the contents or turn it around to keep them out of view. If you buy several bags, the mesh viewing panel is brilliant for instantly finding what you're looking for without emptying out or rummaging through all the different bags.
It's a great multi-purpose, funky, quirky storage solution that can be used in a multitude of ways. Its rectangular base will fit snugly into corners or against the wall, unlike many bulky laundry bins that are usually round, and when empty, it folds totally flat and takes up very little space.
Unleash your domestic goddess and hide all your clutter away so it looks beautiful ! It's the modern version of 50's housewives sweeping dust bunnies under the carpet where nobody could see them !
I've also been told it makes a brilliant hiding place for hide and seek too !

star rating : 4.5/5
RRP : £9.99
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