Monday 19 March 2012

Sweetcorn Bites review

Here at The Madhouse, we love sweetcorn. The kids love it in tins, which has the advantage of being available all year round, but they particularly love eating it off the cob when we buy it fresh at the farmers' market in autumn. The only problem is trying to find a pan big enough to cook it in !

Well, when we were asked if we'd like to try out a new healthy snack called Sweetcorn Bites, I knew it would be a winner. I didn't realise quite how convenient it would be though.  Each bag contains eight bite size pieces, which can be microwaved in the bag in just a couple of minutes, cooked on the stove or even eaten raw. (The man at the farmers' market always gives a bit to the kids to eat raw !) Even better, it can be frozen. We tried this and, although it looked soggy when defrosted, it was plump and juicy and not at all soggy once it had been microwaved.

The kids loved the easy-to-hold bite-sized pieces, which are less daunting than a whole corn on the cob for those with a small appetite.

 The product has been developed with both child and family snacking in mind. Each bite only contains 40 calories, 0.9g of sugar and 0.8g of fat, of which 0.09g saturated. The sweetcorn bites are completely natural with nothing artificial added. They’re also a great source of carotenoids, vitamins A, B3 and C, Folic Acid and fibre. 4 bites also count as one portion of your recommended 5-a-day.

 Still a Sussex-girl at heart, I love the local aspect too, as the sweetcorn is grown on Barfoots Farm in West Sussex. The kids' faces say it all - we'll definitely be buying these again !

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £1.99 for 8 bites

for more information :

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  1. That's a good idea, I think that one of them would be enough for me! :-)

  2. great, fab for something quick and healthy

  3. Great product. My fruit hating daughter absolutely loves Sweetcorn. I shall definitely be trying these. They may even go in a packed lunch if you can eat them raw!

  4. This is a good idea for kids. I´ve tried sawing corn on the cob into smaller pieces and it´s hard work!

    1. Agreed ! Plus you hold it so hard, you crush the ends to bits so it goes mushy. This is definitely easier !!


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