Sunday 21 July 2013

What to do with a glut of cherries ?

When I have a big amount of a particular fruit or vegetable to use up quickly, I always go googling for inspiration. This week I got a big box of black cherries right on their time from the farmers' market. They're lovely and sweet but we'll never be able to eat them all before they go mouldy, so I'll be cooking with them tomorrow. Here are some of the recipes that I found online that caught my eye. Do let me know if you have any other brainwaves though.

Ooh decisions decisions - they all look totally delicious so I don't know which ones to make !

I bet I could come up with a salad involving cherries too if I tried !

Other blogposts you may be interested in :

What to do with a crate load of melons?


  1. What did you make? You could put them in a smoothie - add orange or cranberry juice?

    1. Black Cherry Crisp - Very nice too :)


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