Wednesday 5 February 2014

Madhouse Diaries : All the fun of the fair !

I haven't taken part in the Country Kids roundup for a couple of weeks because, what with nasty coughs and colds and horrendous weather, we haven't been getting out and about as much as usual. This week's effort isn't very "country" either but at least we got out in the fresh air ! We headed off to the winter fair.

They weren't smiling quite so much when it went round at warp speed but all the photos came out blurry - not sure if that was due to the speed of the ride or because I was laughing so much at their squeals !

Juliette went for something tamer and pretended to be a hamster !

While Madhouse Daddy found his beloved cranes ! 

After managing to win several One Direction teddy bears (much to Juliette and Sophie's delight !) on Hastings seafront at Christmas, he was determined to win Monster High toy this time ... and he did !

He didn't manage to win a Minion for Pierre though. Oh well, some you win, some you lose !

Weather permitting, we'll find a less urban location next week !

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Other blogposts you may be interested in :

Madhouse diaries : Chilling at the park


  1. Ohh looks like you all had a fab time....
    I'm useless at those grabbing games I spend a fortune and always end up with

  2. I love your pictures, it looks like a wonderful trip out and a real treat for the family. Lovely to see you back for Country Kids.

  3. Looks like fab fun and great pictures! #CountryKids


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