Wednesday 21 December 2011

I'm a Cow & Gate Mumtor for Growing Up Milk !

I recently received an email from Cow & Gate Growing Up Milk, asking if I'd like to be a Mumtor. Now, I have no idea why but for some reason, this made me think of dinosaurs !! I can't think why - it vaguely resembles Minotaur or maybe I was thinking of Raptors ?!! - but either way, it has nothing to do with that anyway ! They explained : "We're searching for mums from across the country to become our first ever Cow & Gate Mumtors (short for “mum mentors”). We want Mumtors to chat to other parents about why they chose to use Growing Up Milk for their little ones."

Well, I can certainly do that. Just one example was earlier this week when I was totally laid up in bed for 24 hours with a horrendous tummy bug and couldn't face sorting food out for anybody. 10-year-old Sophie was an absolute star and made sandwiches and fruit salad for everyone, but I loved the fact that I could ask her to get 2-year-old Pierre a beaker full of Growing Up Milk and rest assured that he was getting lots of his essential vitamins and minerals in just that one drink.

I've already told you about Cow & Gate's Growing Up Milk and the exploits (and needs) of Little One-ders, as they like to call toddlers. If you've got your own Little One-der aged 10-36 months who drinks Cow & Gate Growing Up Milk and you'd like to join the network of mums across the UK on the Mumtor project to share the trials, tribulations but mostly wonders of being a mother to a toddler, leave a message here and I'll let them know. (Just so you know, they explain that being a Mumtor is not a paid role ("we don't want people to think you are saying nice things because you have to, after all!"), but they will send all new Mumtors some exclusive goodies, monthly prizes and regular special offers for you and your toddler, as a thank you for your involvement.)

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