Thursday 22 December 2011

Kids' app review : ABC Spy

Stealth Education, founded by education and technology experts Henry and Jim Playfoot to meet a need to come up with games and apps that are both fun and educational, recently sent us through a code to try out their ABC Spy app.

I was expecting a game very similar to the I Spy For Kids app that we reveiewed here but it is actually a much more creative app that really makes your little one think and therefore learn, as well as really taking advantage of the functionalities of the ipad or iphone that they are playing on.

Your child has to choose a letter of the alphabet then find something that starts with that letter and take a photo of it. You can then play around with the photo to improve it, add a frame and name it. You will end up with a totally personalised visual alphabet book of the things around you.

‘Simon Spider’ helps with handy hints – such as “Can you think of something nice to eat that begins with A?” - and if players get really stuck, they can always choose one of the photos provided in the app.

Once your work is complete, you can tap the 'Make a film' button to generate a movie that can be shared with friends and family and even put on YouTube.

It's lovely for older children to play themed games - for example, making a Christmas alphabet book now by running around the house seeing what they can find for each letter, or using the app while on holiday for an extra-special holiday souvenir.

It's nice to see an app that encourages children to get creative and use the ipad or iphone than something just to play on passively.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £1.49

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