Wednesday 8 May 2013

World War Two Camp Reenactment

The 8th May is a bank holiday in France, to commemmorate Victory in Europe Day and the end of World War II, so it was very apt that we went discovering a World War Two Camp Reenactment.

I thought that this "soldier" looked incredibly young, but, through researching my family tree, I found out that lots of young boys lied about their age when they signed up, desperate to fight for their country despite not having reached the minimum age of 18, so there were in fact many "boy soldiers" aged around 14-16. That's the age I teach - scary !

I was also surprised to see a baseball glove as part of the mock-up - would they really have played during the war? Well, I suppose there was the famous football match on the no man's land on Christmas Day so why not?!

The girls were quite impressed to see that you could cook and make tea over a real fire - I said that it was only like when we have a barbecue, but they'd never thought about cooking in containers before. It looks like cooking on a campfire is becoming a lost art !

Sophie, who started learning German at school this year, was very impressed that she managed to work out that "fahrschule" meant driving school !

And there you have it - a little educational trip down memory lane to remember those who gave their lives to make the world a better place.

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