Sunday 5 April 2015

Madhouse diaries : The Easter Bunny has been !

Ooh, what's this? Looks like the Easter bunny has been ! Or is it the bells, if we stick to the French version ? (They go off to Rome to see the Pope, which is why they stop ringing between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, and they bring back the chocolate eggs back with them.)

The Madhouse kids didn't care who brought them, they just wanted to get their hands on those eggs !
As Aha once famously sang, hunting high ...

and low !

The dogs appeared, hoping that Juliette and Pierre would miss a few, but they had no such luck ! They did get a big bone from the roast lamb though.

I hope you all had a very happy Easter and didn't overload on chocolate !


  1. Looks like you had fun! Happy Easter! :-D xxx

  2. A good hunt I can see. We had one too. So much chocolate I have to think of things to use it all up - chocolate porridge, chocolate croissants...

    1. That never seems to be a problem in our house ! lol

  3. I love a good Easter egg hunt, it's great fun, and not just for the kids!


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