Saturday, 18 April 2015

Globecooking recipe : Matcha & White Chocolate Muffins (Japan)

I'm not a tea-drinker so I didn't think I'd enjoy being a "tea-eater" either but I had a pack of matcha green tea and a recipe for Matcha & White Chocolate Muffins in last month's Japanese-themed Kitchen Trotter box. They're actually much nicer than I expected, even if the kids were put off by the bright green colour !

Matcha & White Chocolate Muffins

ingredients ;

15g matcha tea
100g butter
100g flour
1tbsp baking powder
a pinch of salt
90g sugar
3 eggs
100g white chocolate, broken into small pieces 

Mix the flour, matcha, salt and baking powder in a large bowl. It's very green !

Melt the butter in the microwave in a separate bowl and in a third bowl (sorry for all the washing up !), beat the eggs then mix in the sugar and beat until smooth.

Pour the contents of both smaller bowls into the dry ingredients and mix with the whisk again until smooth and creamy.

Fold in the chocolate pieces.

Spoon into cupcake cases on a baking sheet.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180° for 15-20 minutes.

Some of the chocolate (near the top) went bubbly and looked very strange but the chunks on the inside stayed intact. The first bite has a definite taste of tea but then the white chocolate sweet hit comes through and it's actually quite pleasant.

*** Don't miss my country-by-country globecooking recipe index ! *** 

Fancy trying some other Japanese dishes? How about Horenso No Shira-aé, Kyuri no Sunomono and Kamo No Teriyaki & Yakisoba (Teriyaki Duck with Soba Noodles)? 


  1. Gonna try these Muffins. I love the colour

  2. Interesting looking cakes, I've never seen anything like this before. They sound very yummy. x

  3. I love tea and have seen matcha bakes onlines, but it's the colour that puts me off. I bet I'd like the taste, just not the colour. The same with green smoothies, they just look too healthy, lol

    1. It does seem weird to eat green cake, I must admit !!


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