Monday 30 December 2013

Belbake Raspberry-Vanilla Cupcakes kit review

While wandering around Lidl just before Christmas, the kids saw lots of baking kits that they wanted to try out. They were really cheap, and they're always ideal for baking with little helpers, so I gave in and bought several. The first one that we tried was the Raspberry-Vanilla Cupcakes kit. Inside the box, you get a bag of cupcake mix, a bag of icing mix, a bag of white chocolate stars and some cupcake cases.

Usually, for kids' baking kits, you only need to add an egg and a little water but for this one, you needed to add an egg, oil, milk, butter and cream cheese. It made me wonder what they actually give you in the kit because apart from flour and sugar, you've got pretty much the complete set of ingredients for cupcakes there anyway. The pre-measured bags are handy for giving kids independence in the kitchen though, and Pierre got stuck straight in.

The cakes were ready in about 20 minutes and then we mixed up the icing. I used a piping bag to squeeze the icing out on to the cakes and Pierre decorated them with the chocolate stars.

The sign of tasty icing is when the kids are lining up to lick out the bowl !

One happy little face, followed by lots of happy little tums ! They were very sweet but also very tasty and they disappeared in record time !

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  1. I love cupcakes, it's amazing how popular they have become over the past ten years or so. so many different types. Looks like yours were fun to make and yummy!

  2. These look delicious, must make them with my little granddaughter at the weekend.


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