Saturday 7 December 2013

Style Lux Blackhead Killer Face Mask review

I was recently asked if I'd like to become a Style Lux Premium Blogger and review some of their products. I went over to have a look at their website and discovered that they have a small but interesting and rather eclectic range of beauty and lifestyle products, including beauty accessories, fashion watches, bras, slimming belts and iPhone skins.

For my first review, they sent me through a pack of Blackhead Killer Face Masks, which are brand new to the UK but being advertised as "the remarkable, all-natural new skincare sensation from America that removes pimples in just minutes". I had a look through the testimonials and reviews on the site and, to be honest, it all sounded far too good to be true ! The write-up promises that it removes pimples, blackheads, impurities and excess oil, deeply penetrating your skin and sucking up all the imperfections, as well as any accompanying redness and pimple scars, so that you instantly have better-looking skin. It also claims to prevent future outbreaks by killing the bacteria that cause spots.

Unfortunately - or fortunately, from my point of view ! - I didn't have any spots to test it on. My skin has started to feel quite dry with the winter cold and wind lately though, and I have do have dilated and clogged pores around my nose, so I thought I'd see if it would help me get the cleaner, smoother and fresher skin that it promises, from removing dead skin cells.

Having looked at the photos on the website before I started, I knew that this wasn't going to be a pretty face mask to use - in fact, it looks like runny, gooey black tar and is quite messy to apply. The box contains 5 sachets, each of which contains 10ml, which is actually quite a lot, once you start applying it. I don't think you actually need to apply the whole amount because it ends up being too thick to dry out and peel off, but had I actually bought these, I'd have been very peeved at having to throw some away. Maybe they could look at doing 7 x 7ml sachets for the same price, rather than 5 x 10ml.

I had read on the instructions that you need to peel it off after ten minutes of it drying. I took this to mean that it would take ten minutes to dry but I found it took a lot longer so my advice is not to apply it too thickly. Some parts dried out better than others but this meant that I didn't manage to peel it off in one go - it broke up with some parts sticking and others breaking off. I ended up washing the last few bits off with warm water, so it wasn't wholly successful. But - and it's a big but ! - I did love what it did to my skin. The skin around my nose definitely looked cleaner (you can see what it's pulled off on the used face mask) and my whole face felt moisturised and freshened with fresher-looking skin.

I still have four more sachets to play around with so I'll try to get a thinner coverage next time, so that it dries out more evenly. Just a word of warning - avoid your eyebrows or any little hairs around your ears or it can be quite painful when you pull it off ! (Any men using it might want to shave first !)

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £14.95 for 5 x 10ml (with free shipping)

for more information : (link removed because there seem to be lots of issues with the website charging people who haven't actually placed an order - proceed with caution !)

Disclosure : I received the product n order to write an honest review.

Other reviews you may be interested in :

Radox Revive, Refresh & Muscle Therapy review


  1. I've seen this mask popping up on quite a few blogs recently and (having problem skin myself) I'm so intrigued! xx

    Gemma // DuggyDimples

  2. I have blackheads and I tried everything out there to try to clear them. Nothing so far has worked so I would love to know if this does clear blackheads

  3. I am VERY disappointed! I am being charged late fees for no reason! I paid for my product and still they are sending me letters that I have an outstanding balance! What is wrong with you people!? And on top of that I wanted to return this product and to do so you have to pay $25 to mail it out! Heck NO!!!

    1. I can only suggest you have a look at the comments on this thead : I can't help as I didn't go through their website so I have no idea how it all works. Good luck sorting it all out :/

  4. The company is a scam do NOT put ur address or email in

    1. As I put in the comment above, there are lots of comments and advice on the Quickmax review from the same company.

    2. Yes i also being charged without even confirming the purchase.. and they just straight mail the mask over and bill me and even charged me.. I even had email them that I dispute this order for I did not even click i confirm to to purchase..


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