Tuesday 17 December 2013

So are you ready for a Christmas break or a Christmas breakdown?!

Is the pre-Christmas stress getting to you yet? Kenco Millicano have some top tips for surviving Christmas from psychologist Honey Langcaster-James - breathe deeply ! I must say, I'm lucky. We go visiting the relatives for Christmas so there's no cooking and Madhouse Daddy did the Christmas decorations single-handedly while I was out with the kids. I can't believe so many women apparently have to do it all with no help from their other halves !


With the festive countdown in full swing, Christmas preparations are high on the to-do list for the women in the UK. Well over a third (81%) say they single-handedly manage all the Christmas preparations, with a lucky few (7%) getting help from their partners, according to new research out today from Kenco Millicano.
Two thirds of women confess to spending more than 48 hours preparing for Christmas, meaning that getting ready for the break can actually take up more time than a regular working week. A large majority (68%) also say that their workload doesn’t ease off as it used to, meaning they spend 88 hours per week working and preparing, leaving very little time to have a so-called Christmas ‘break’.

Over three quarters of woman (87%) admit they spend hours in the run up to Christmas wading through a typical task list that includes shopping for food, gifts, tidying the house and doing all the preparation for the Christmas feast.

In fact, with so much to manage for Christmas it’s no wonder that over half of women in the UK admit that they do not feel rested and revived during the Christmas break. Psychologist, Honey Langcaster-James said: “The reality for most women is that this is probably the most hectic time of year. The typical British woman goes to heroic lengths to try to provide her friends and family with the perfect Christmas, leaving them feeling pretty exhausted!”

1 in 10 claim to not have a break at all over Christmas “Women often fail to make time for themselves on their to-do list. Often the only times they get a break are those few precious moments like enjoying a great cup of coffee at home. These become a life-saver when it feels as if there aren’t enough hours in the day” comments Psychologist and Life Coach, Honey Langcaster-James.

To help bring back the Christmas spirit, Kenco Millicano asked Honey Langcaster-James for the best ways to manage the mayhem and ensure that you have a very Merry Christmas too.

Top tips for surviving Christmas:

1. Even Santa has his helpers! Delegate where you can, get the family involved in preparations, for example decorating the tree or wrapping gifts. You don’t have to do it all by yourself, and it helps to get the whole family excited for the big day.

2. Prioritize family fun! Don’t forget what Christmas is all about. Spending time with loved ones, and simply enjoying the season. Don’t let all those jobs take over and turn you into a complete stress-head. Remember, your loved ones won’t judge you on the quality of your stuffing or a bit of mess in the house; they want to spend quality time with you.

3. You don’t have to be the perfect hostess. Take the pressure off yourself and suggest to family and friends that everyone brings a plate and a bottle. Shared suppers and buffets are a great way to both reduce your own workload and give your guests the opportunity to feel that they’ve contributed.

4. Invite your friends round weekly for a catch up! Getting together with other women is a great way to share the pressure and have a jolly good moan. A quick cup of quality coffee and a chat with your nearest and dearest can make the world of difference and leave you feeling ready to take on any challenge in the days ahead.

5. Make Boxing Day an official ‘Mum’s day off’! Tell your family that Boxing day will be a no work day. A day when all the work is done, to stay in your pyjamas, eat Christmas left-overs and rest. Having a day to look forward to once the hard work is done will help you stay positive.

6. Take daily care of yourself throughout the Christmas period. Schedule in time every day for a little treat for yourself. For example, every morning you could get up 15 minutes early and make a cup of delicious Kenco Millicano, read the paper in bed, and start your day off right. It’s vital to make time for you to just be you!

Emad Nadim, Brand Manager for Kenco Millicano, says “The Christmas break should be just that- a break. Kenco Millicano wants to encourage women to take time out so that they can re-energise and enjoy the festivities. It doesn’t have to be big; just 5 minutes with a great cup of coffee and a mince pie can be just the ‘pick me up’ you need.. After all, even Father Christmas indulges on Christmas Eve!”

Share your Christmas mayhem stories on twitter #TimeforaMillicano to win prizes or visit www.facebook.com/kencomillicano to read more from Honey Langcaster.

*Survey conducted by OnePoll, with 2,000 UK women respondents

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1 comment:

  1. Decorate your home with classic Christmas trees. For your Christmas event.


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