Tuesday 21 October 2014

Tung Toos - temporary tattoos for your tongue ! (review)

Get ready for the latest craze to arrive from America ! The Madhouse kids squealed in delight when this rather exciting selection of Tung Toos arrived in the post. As the name suggests, they are temporary tattoos for your tongue. They taste like sweets and they come in loads of fun, colourful designs.

Pierre was instantly drawn to the Phineas & Ferb ones. You get six tung toos in a pack, along with a collectible card, making them the ultimate playground craze (or on-the-way-home-from-school craze, if you're not allowed sweets at school).

It's a simple process of putting the tung too face down on your tongue for a couple of seconds, then lifting up the paper. Surprisingly, they taste lovely.

In terms of precision, they're not that great. It may be down to us being useless and not managing to not smudge them too ! While you will definitely end up with a brightly coloured tongue, most of the time you can't actually see what the design is supposed to be, but this didn't stop the Madhouse kids loving them ! 

In fact, Pierre came up to me so many times with his newly tung-tooed tongue hanging out for me to take a photo that, as you can see if you look closely, he started dribbling !

I'm not sure if we need more practice or if the kids' tongues are a bit too small for the bigger designs but we certainly had a lot of fun trying to perfect our tung-tooing..

We moved on to one of the other packs which has some smaller designs.

This one says COOL but I'll be honest, I'd never have known that if I hadn't seen the Tung Too beforehand. Juliette still thought it was great though and, as the pattern will only stay on your tongue for about 20 minutes, you can start all over again.

You can get some really unflattering photos that will make everyone laugh !

The more we tried, the better we got - you can actually make out the letters of the word COOL here if you look carefully.

And this one is quite recognisable from the Phineas & Ferb pack.

Sophie managed to get a perfect heart (maybe because it was a smaller design or because she has a bigger tongue !).

When I said this to Pierre, he managed to make his tongue extend by another 5cm, which made us all laugh again !

The verdict was, they're great fun and they taste really nice. Kids and big kids of all ages love them and it's a great ice breaker at a party (whether for kids or grown-ups !). You'll be the coolest neighbour on the street if you stock up on these for Halloween !

star rating : 4/5

available in independent retailers and Toys R Us

for more information : http://www.tungtoos.com/

Disclosure : I received the product in order to write an honest review.

Family Fever

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  1. I have never seen or heard of these before....They do look like a lot of fun!

  2. Reminds me of those sweets that make your tongue change colour. Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested


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