Wednesday 24 November 2010

Persil Small & Mighty

Now, however many times they may say it, women have always known that there is very little truth in the old adage "size doesn't matter" ! Oi enough sniggering, get your minds out of the gutter please ! What I mean is, we all know that the best things come in small packages. (This is a family blog - what did you think I was going to say ?!)

When it comes to laundry detergent, I must admit I was never quite aware of just how important the size of the bottle could be for the environment. I love the smaller sizes because they're easier to store in the laundry cupboard, not too heavy to lug home from the shops and easier to handle when pouring out the right amount. With the big bottles, I find the liquid always comes gushing out so you end up wasting time and money mopping spillages up off the floor.

Well, the Cleaner Planet Plan website has some really interesting facts and figures that show just how much impact a small action like buying the compact detergents can have. As they say, "Small actions x millions of people = big change." To prove their point, they explain : "125 billion washes a year are made using our products. As 95% of our water footprint and 70% of greenhouse gas emissions take place during those washes, changing the way you wash just a little can make a huge difference. Look at what we could achieve if everyone switched to one of our compacted or concentrated formulas :

Using compacted powder instead of conventional powder saves 41g of CO2 per wash.

Using concentrated liquid instead of conventional liquid saves 16g of CO2 per wash.

X 125 billion washes per year = a saving of 4.3 million tonnes of CO2 = taking a million cars off the road !"

They have some other highly impressive figures that really drive home the importance that your choices as a consumer can have and, indeed, have had. "In the first 2 years, switching from standard liquids to Small & Mighty reduced plastic use by the equivalent of 460 million carrier bags in Europe alone." But as well as creating less landfill and using less resources in the first place, it also takes up less space on the lorries in transportation so that reduces the carbon footprint too. It's a win-win situation.

Speaking of a win-win situation, Small & Mighty isn't just ecological, it's economical too. Persil explain, "Persil Small & Mighty concentrated liquid is now available in 28 and 54 wash packs giving you better value. With these bigger packs you could use nearly 40% less packaging and when you wash at 15°C you can save over £1 on energy with every pack - which is great news for the environment too !" Still need convincing ? "If you usually wash at 40 degrees, turn to 30 degrees and you can save £7 on your annual bills, or even £40 if you wash at a cold temperature. New Persil Small & Mighty has been proven to work at 15 degrees or less." Want even more more persuasion ?! "Using a liquid detergent such as Persil Small & Mighty can help you save the pennies on every wash. A standard wash with Persil Small & Mighty costs 4p less than a comparative wash with a powder detergent."

However, despite loving the eco-friendly aspects and the money-saving side, I'm also a busy mum of three and I need a product that will really work hard to get my laundry clean. Does it live up to my high standards ? Well, it's Persil, so what can I say ?! Of course it does ! It manages to shift almost anything that 16-month-old Pierre, 5-year-old Juliette and 9-year-old Sophie can throw at it, including gravy, pureed carrot, blood, mud and grass. I love the fragrance too.

It certainly ticks all the right boxes, and then some more that I hadn't even thought of until they pointed them out !

star rating : 5/5

RRP : £5.99 (for a 28 wash bottle)

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