Thursday 17 November 2011


As a Sterimar blogger ambassador, I've been sharing lots of great advice on helping clear blocked up noses in babies and children recently, but it's not just good for little noses. It can deal with big ones too ! The great thing is, if you're pregnant or breastfeeding, you can use it without worrying for a second because it's 100% natural. Read on for more information :


As the weather changes, the colds season kicks in and everywhere you turn someone is sniffling and sneezing! Whilst many flu and cold treatments can deal with the symptoms of the common cold, Stérimar® tackles both the symptoms and the cause of the problem. This winter, Stérimar® Congestion Relief is the one product you should have in your first aid cupboard, as it is the perfect way to help tackle the winter ailments.

If you are suffering with nasal congestion associated with colds and flu, Stérimar® Congestion Relief can really help. It is a 100% natural sea water nasal spray that is specifically formulated to relieve nasal congestion naturally, and help your body fight infections, such as colds, rhinitis and short-term sinusitis more efficiently. With one simple spray, the sea salt in Stérimar® Congestion Relief will help draw the congestion in the nose, from you to your handkerchief.

Stérimar® has a unique formulation, made from the best sea water from the French coast of Brittany. The sea water solution spray gently washes away cold causing germs before they develop and helps drain contaminated mucus from the nose, enabling you to breathe easier.. Stérimar® Congestion Relief has a higher salt concentration than the body’s normal cells, so it gently tackles nasal congestion by osmosis. It also contains coppersalts, known for their anti-infectious properties. By rebalancing nasal functions, Stérimar® Congestion Relief keeps the nose in tip top condition and reduces the risk of further infections.

At the first signs of a cold, Stérimar® Congestion Relief can be used two to six times a day. As it is 100% natural and gentle, it can be used by people who are unable to use traditional medicine and even breast-feeding women. And whilst it can be used on its own, it can also be used with other medication to improve its efficacy. It is suitable for all adults and children from aged 3 years and above.

Stérimar® Congestion Relief is available in 100ml size at Boots and throughout independent pharmacists for £7.14 RRP, and in 50ml size at Superdrug and independent pharmacies for £4.49 RRP.

For additional information, please visit  

*** This is a sponsored but nevertheless 100% honest post ! ***

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  1. I have used this product and had side effects.Loss of smell,and most food tasting vile over the last six months.My g.p. cannot help i am awaiting a hospital refferal.MY sister has given me a letter from Boots chemist about possible contamination from the maker.But the batch numbers on my own can are not an issue.I have health problems weak imune system & diabetes two .

  2. Hello, I haven't heard anything at all about any contamination of Sterimar so I can't help you with that one, I'm afraid. I have asked the Sterimar office to find out though.

    The symptoms you describe sound exactly like what my dad had though - loss of smell, food tasting strange then eventually loss of taste too. For him, it turned out to be polyps in his nose. Could be worth researching that ??? Hope you find a solution xx

  3. Hello, here's the reply from Sterimar :

    More information on the product recall can be found on If you would like to get in touch with Sterimar directly about the Sterimar Isotonic 100ml product recall, please call 08000 556993

    Hope this helps.


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