Sunday 17 March 2013

I spy with my little eye in this week's veg box !

We've just gone to the market and picked up this week's box, containing : white cabbage (definitely coleslaw on the cards then - I wonder if there's anything else to do with it?), broccoli (I have a seasoning sachet to use with cauliflower & broccoli so that will be used this week - maybe even today to go with the roast chicken), leeks, peas, a pineapple, a variety of apples, 6 kiwi fruit, 2 punnets of over-ripe strawberries (I always feel virtuous when I take over-ripe fruit off his hands - it saves on food waste and he always gives me a discount. In the summer, I come home with whole boxes of over-ripe peaches and nectarines and spend the whole afternoon cooking !)

That's dessert taken care of - lovely strawberries (with all the mouldy bits chopped off!) and a scoop of Kelly's Cornish ice cream. Yum !

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