Monday 7 July 2014

Get beach-ready with a 10 day body blitz !

I've just reviewed Nivea's firming range, which promises to help you get smoother, softer and firmer skin within a couple of weeks, but to help you on your way, Nivea have also come up with a 10 Day Body Blitz with Fitness & Lifestyle Expert, personal trainer Sarah Maxwell.

On the go workouts for every day

Walking: Does wonders for problem areas as well as your mood, especially when done on a daily basis. Try opting for the stairs instead of the lift and increase the amount you walk by leaving the car at home, getting off the train or bus a stop earlier.
Tip: Think about your posture especially if you are using a buggy or pram. Make sure you stand upright with your abdominals pulled in; shoulders pulled back, down and relaxed.

Cleaning: They are called chores for a reason but take comfort in knowing all that elbow grease is busting calories. The more effort you put into each movement will leave your house cleaner and get your blood pumping faster.
Tip: Vacuuming the house from top to bottom is a great workout to burn calories whilst working the abdominals and upper body at the same time. Make sure that you keep your abdominals pulled in and knees bent, really reach forward and put back with the vacuum.

Deskbound: We spend almost 7-9 hours sat down at our desks on average a day, so we can definitely squeeze in inner thigh exercises throughout the day.
Tip: Concentrate on sitting correctly - straight back, abdominals pulled in, shoulders back and down. Place a cushion or similar object between your thighs and squeeze.

10 Day Beach Body


It is very important to make sure you warm up properly before each workout to get your body and mind ready.

Side bends: Stand with legs slightly bent and feet hip width apart, abdominals pulled in and hips tucked under. With the palms of your hands against the side of your legs, lean gently to the left running your hand down your leg towards your knee, change to the right side going through the same routine. Repeat 10 on each side.

Pliés: Stand with your feet hip width apart, abdominals pulled in and hips tucked under. Take a small step out with each foot and turn your feet outward. Place you hands on hips for support; lower your body down slowly bending your legs and raise back up to the start position. Make sure you have good posture, shoulders back and down. Abdominals pulled in, hips and back in alignment. Repeat 10 – 20 times.

Day 1

1. Stairs: 2-3 minutes: • Walk up and down the stairs for a total of 2-3 minutes – take 2 stairs on the way up, 1 stair on the way down. Ensure you are standing straight with your shoulders back and down with your abdominals pulled in.

2. Squats: 2 x 10-16 repetitions • Hold the position for 3-5 seconds.

3. Side leg/squat: 16-20 repetitions • Standing with feet hip width apart contract the abdominals and keep them pulled in as you bend the knees and slowly squat down as if you were squatting towards a chair.
• Raise your right leg to the side and back down again into the squat position, make sure that your toes are pointing down to the floor when raising your leg to the side.

4. Front plank: • Try to hold for at least 30 seconds.The goal by day 10 is for you to be able to hold for 1 minute or more!

5. Stairs/Skip: 2-3 minutes

6. Power Jumps: 5-10 repetitions: • Get into a squat position and hold for 2/3 seconds then jump up from your legs, jumping as high as you can making sure that you land with your feet in a similar position.
• As you land, control your position and keep your knees bent.

Day 2

1. Rear leg raise with hamstring curl and pulses: 10-16 repetitions each leg. Get down on all fours. To protect your back, rest your forearms on the floor by lowering your elbows, pull in abdominals throughout the exercise. • Raise your left leg but keep it straight behind you; elevate it no higher than the level of your hips, bend the leg from the knee, aiming the heel to your buttocks and then extend it back out. • Then, raise and lower the same leg with your foot flexed and your toes pointing to the floor, making small pulsing movements.

2. Lying Abductor Raise: 16-20 repetitions: • Lie on your side with your lower knee bent and your upper leg in line with your spine; Rest your head on your hands. • Raise the leg, without rolling your hips back. • Hold the leg at the top of the position for 10 seconds.

3. Half Press Ups: 8-16 repetitions

4. Tricep Dips: 2 x 8-12 repetitions • Position your hands shoulder width apart on a stable chair. Move your buttocks in front of the bench with your legs bent and feet placed hip width apart on the floor. Straighten out your arms but don’t lock your elbow joints. Raise the leg, without rolling your hips back. • Slowly bend at your elbows and lower your upper body down towards the floor until your arms are at about a 90 degree angle. Once you reach the bottom of the movement, slowly push off with your hands, and push yourself straight back up to the starting position. • Avoid allowing your neck to sink and your ears to fall  close to your shoulders.

5. Buttock and inner thigh squeeze: 10 repetitions • Lie on the floor with your arms at your sides, knees bent, feet flat to the floor and hip width apart. • Then, squeeze your buttocks to raise your hips upward. Avoid allowing your neck to sink and your ears to fall close to your shoulders. • Hold for 10 seconds whilst squeezing your knees together before you lower your hips to the floor.

Day 3

1. Rear leg raise with hamstring curl and pulses: 10-16 repetitions each leg • Repeat the exercises you carried out on Day 1. Don’t forget your additional 30-60 minutes of aerobic exercise. It doesn’t matter when you do this, but do make sure you fit it in!

Day 4

Today repeat the exercises from Day 2. Again make sure to do an additional 30-60 minutes of aerobic exercise.

Day 5

Well done – You are half way through your program which means today we are going to up the tempo.

1. Stairs/Skip x 5 minutes

2. Abductor raise with squat: 2 x 16/20

3. Reverse lunges : 2x8-10 • Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, hands by your sides. Begin by raising your right knee up in front of you then extend it back you like you are taking a step to walk backwards. Really reach back with this stride to get a good stretch. • Bring the same leg back to the start position and repeat the same movement with your opposite leg. • Ensure that you keep your back straight and abdominals pulled in throughout this exercise.

4. Jumping Jacks x 1 minute • Begin by standing with your feet together and arms by your side. Pull in your abdominal muscles and tilt your hips slightly forward to take the curve out of your lower back.
• Bend your knees and jump making a space between your feet that is wider than your shoulders. After jumping ensure you land on the balls of your feet. • At the same time, raise your arms high in the air keeping them as near to your ears as possible.• Keep your knees bent whilst you jump again, bringing your feet together and your arms back to your sides. At the end of the movement, your weight should be on your heels not your toes.

5. Stairs/Skip x 5 minutes

6. Power Jumps: 5-10 repetitions

7. Stairs/Skip x 5 minutes

Day 6

• Today repeat the exercises from Day 4 but increase the repetitions.

Day 7

• Today take a rest from the intense body conditioning exercises and concentrate on aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

• Walk steadily for 5 minutes to warm up and then speed up as fast as you can for 2 minutes, then 2 minutes at a steady pace again.

• Go for 2 minutes fast and then go for 2 minutes slow for 30-60 minutes. This is the same if you run, cycle, swim or use a cross trainer etc.

Day 8

On Day 8 repeat the exercises from Day 5, but… repeat the circuit twice!

Day 9

• Today repeat the same exercise as Day 7.

Day 10

…almost there!

1. Stairs/Skip x 5 minutes

2. Squats: 2 x 10-16 repetitions

3. Reverse lunges 2x8-10 • Stand with feet about 3 feet apart. You need both knees to be in a 90 degree angles at the bottom of the movement. • Bend your knees and lower the back knee toward the floor. • Keep your back straight your abdominals pulled in as you push through the front heel and back to starting position. Don’t lock the knees at the top of the movement.

4. Jumping Jacks 1 minute

5. Abductor Kick and Punch: 2x20 each leg • Standing with feet hip width apart contract your abdominals and keep them pulled in as you bend your knees. • Slowly squat down as if you were squatting towards a chair and kick your right leg to the side and back down again into the squat position. Make sure that your toes are pointing down to the floor when kicking your leg to the side. • Do alternate legs, letting your arms punch in front with each kick (this will raise your heart rate and burn more calories).

6. Skip or stairs for 3 minutes

7. Reverse lunges 2x16-20 each leg

8. Jumping Jacks 1 minute

Repeat all of the above again starting with the stairs. but… repeat the circuit twice!

And finally ... Cellulite Busting Tips

Taking on board the advice below will make a big difference to your skin and your overall well being.


• Coffee, tea and sugary drinks
• Salt and sugary foods
• Smoking
• Processed foods
All of the above could increase toxins in your body, so best to avoid them when you can!


• Plenty of water – without it the cellular integrity of your skin loses strength. Water also flushes away all the toxins and waste in your body.
• Fresh fruit and vegetables.
• Sprinkle cinnamon or ginger on your breakfast to kick-start your metabolism.

Other blogposts you may be interested in :

Nivea Firming range review

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