Monday 15 September 2014

Madhouse diaries : A Sunday adventure

My FitBug is challenging me to walk 15,200 steps per day so I decided to take up the gauntlet yesterday and take the kids out for an adventure. Sophie was off doing homework with her mates at a friend's house (after going out to the cinema with them  the day before - you can tell she's hit her teens, we hardly see her any more !) so I asked Juliette and Pierre if they were up for a long walk. They were - especially when I told them where we were going !

One of our local parks (well, not THAT local - it's a 10km walk !) was hosting a Festival of Nature with the theme being the circus. There were lots of animals to see, stalls to look at and a bouncy castle to jump on.

One of the biggest attractions was the swings though !

Not sure if Pierre was screaming with delight or fear !

We wandered over to look at the animals. Our favourite was this miniature pig who had an upturned wheelie bin as a sty ! 

The crowds were quite offputting though so we headed off into the more natural part of the park.

Autumn is definitely on the way.

We petted a very docile horse.

And I spent ages examining this tree very closely. Can you see why?

A close-up makes it easier !

Yep, you've guessed it - I threw in a bit of geocaching ! The treasure was this Hannah Montana card which made me smile - how she's changed !

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Other blogposts you may be interested in :

Madhouse Diaries : Cheers and Tears at the Amusement Park


  1. Looks like a fun day, love the mini pig.

  2. typical
    I like the pig sty, certainly different.
    Love the autumnal leafy lane pic, and I hope you did not walk those poor children 10k there and then 10k back?

    1. I got Madhouse Daddy to drop us off in the car and just walked back ... we usually walk both ways though ! I lied actually, it must be about 7km there and 3km walk in the park ? The most we walked in the holidays was 14km - they didn't even complain ! lol

  3. That makeshift pigsty reminds me of the way Farmer Nick converts everything into a new use! A great way to get out and do your steps with the kids and I love the hidden geocache at the end. thank you for sharingyour day on Country Kids

  4. Looks like you all had fun! Fab photos of Pierre screaming on the swing, and Juilette is such a pretty young lady.

  5. Looks like a fun day, love the pig :) #countrykids


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