Wednesday 2 July 2014

#alphabetphoto : H is for ... hope

We've fed bread to pigeons and peanuts to squirrels by hand, but only a child could possibly entertain the idea of an elephant coming and eating a lettuce leaf out of your hand. That's what Juliette hoped for though ...

"You'll be lucky!" I scoffed, but she kept hoping ...

And waiting patiently ...

Until sluuuuuurp !

It sucked that lettuce leaf up with its trunk and put it in its mouth !

Never stop hoping - sometimes the unexpected can happen !

My #alphabetproject so far :

To see what everyone else found for the letter H or to join in yourself, head over to PODcast

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  1. Awww dream come true! I can see the power of the slurp in the photo =) #alphabetphoto

  2. Just shows the power of hopeful patience. Great moment to capture x #alphabetphoto

  3. The belief that anything is possible, at that age is wonderful. Good for her, hanging in there. #AlphabetPhoto

    1. We couldn't believe it - even better that we got it on photo !

  4. How fabulous, I bet she was over the moon!

  5. Oh wow that's just brilliant and so exciting. Really great sequence of photos too - love it! Thank you so much for sharing with #alphabetphoto


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