Saturday 22 October 2011

HP launches new look, limited edition bottle to raise awareness for Movember

HP is giving Movember 2011 some of its famous ‘oomph.’ The nation’s favourite brown sauce is launching 1 million limited edition bottles to raise much needed awareness and funds for men’s health with Movember. The new label will be without Britain’s famous Houses of Parliament for the first time, making way instead for a top-hat clad British gent with an inspirational moustache.

In conjunction with the release of their new look bottle, HP is giving Mo Bros across the UK the chance to celebrate and share their top Mo-moments on Facebook - the most enthusiastic Mo Bro stands the chance of becoming the Gentlemanly Face of HP Movember, claiming £10,000 towards their Movember fund and a VIP trip for themselves and three friends to London.

Throughout the month of Movember the HP Facebook page will also host a series of competitions and challenges aimed to Mo’tivate men and bring the Movember spirit to life. HP teams and individuals can have fun and embrace the experience, from bacon buttie adventures to celebrity inspired Mos, and then upload their most Mo-tastic photos to HP’s Facebook page – the best images will receive contributions towards their Mo funds.

Mo Sistas can also get involved and support their Mo Bros – The People’s Choice Award for the best HP Mo Bro will be presented to the Bro who has receives the most ‘likes’ over the course of the month’s challenges.

Movember, the month formerly known as November, challenges men to change their appearance, and the face of men’s health, by growing a moustache for the 30 days of November.

Registered Mo Bros & Sistas can get involved by visiting the HP Facebook page on  and find out more about Movember at  

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1 comment:

  1. Great idea. We're nearly out of HP, so will make sure I get this bottle.


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