Tuesday 12 October 2010

Baby Loss Awareness campaign 2010

 When I saw this press release this week, it touched very close to home. As I know only too well, parents who have lost a child need to grieve but don't always know how to put it into words or actions or how to talk about it with those around them, so I love the idea of the International Wave of Light. I think it's also a brilliant way of helping the older siblings express their feelings for their brother or sister that they never got to know. Sophie still talks about her little sister Angel and I think she'd really like the opportunity to light a candle for her. The bereavement counsellors do a great job too, so it would be great if everyone could support their work by buying a ribbon pin.


One in five pregnancies ends in miscarriage, and one in four women (and their partners) have to deal with the devastating loss of a much-wanted baby before birth. On top of this, in the UK every single day 17 babies are stillborn, and in just one week, 119 babies will die.

To the parents and families of these 'angel babies' they are much loved children and will never be forgotten. People whose lives have been touched by the loss of a baby during pregnancy or just after birth are uniting with others across the UK to show their support for the Baby Loss Awareness campaign 2010, which culminates in International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day on October 15. Losing a baby is something that isn't often spoken about, and parents are left devastated and suffering in silence as well-meaning friends and family just don't know what to say.

To highlight the issues surrounding the heartbreaking loss of a baby, women around the world are taking part in the 'International 'Wave of Light' on October 15 and lighting a candle to remember loved and lost little ones. The wave starts with the lighting of candles at 7pm (in all time zones) for just one hour.

Baby Loss Awareness Day, including the "Wave of Light" events and services, are products devised as a result of collaboration between the support charities/organisations operating in the area of pregnancy and baby loss.

Ribbon pins are available in return for a suggested minimum donation of £1. These can be ordered by post, or in bulk by completing the necessary forms available at: http://www.babyloss-awareness.org/ribbons.htm

It's all become a bit controversial this year so there will also be a peaceful protest outside the This Morning studios :
Campaigners were stunned when their efforts to raise awareness of the event were scuppered by This Morning, who told them they were being sidelined to make room for 'National Chocolate Week'.

Bereaved mums have organised a peaceful protest outside the This Morning studios on Friday 15 October to raise awareness, and show the This Morning team that their babies mean more than chocolate! One of the mums behind the campaign is Lauren Raynsford, who experienced the loss of a baby recently. She says: "I gave birth to a little girl prematurely and so understandably I was worried throughout my pregnancy with my son, Dylan. I was relieved to get to full term, and I thought I was safe, so it was a huge shock when he became an Angel Baby when he was just 14 hours old.

"No one should ever have to bury their child - it's an unimaginably heartbreaking task. I was left on my own to deal with my grief. There needs to be greater awareness of the issues and the feelings surrounding baby loss, so that parents who have to endure this nightmare don't feel that they have to go through it alone."

Kym Marsh, who has first-hand experience of the pain of losing a baby, said that she was disappointed with the lack of support. She said: "The issue of baby loss is very close to my heart, as I lost my son, Archie prematurely. I think we all agree that there is nothing more devastating than to lose a child."

"I understand that National Chocolate Week seems to be the focus of media attention rather than the issues of families who have lost their child or children."

"I think we should be addressing human issues rather than the frivolity of an indulgent treat, so please take the time to support the Baby Loss Awareness Campaign and give families and their lost ones the respect they deserve."

For more information on the campaign and related events:



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