Tuesday 17 September 2013

Madhouse, Madhouse, how does your garden grow?

When I was a kid, I used to hate dragging around garden centres with my parents so it made me smile that we actually chose to spend part of our Saturday afternoon going to stock up on new plants. We went for some winter-hardy plants and some splashes of instant colour, like these ones, that immediately make the patio look more cheerful.

I got quite excited about this one - a cherry tree. I'd love to get even a small amount of food growing. We managed to get some cherry tomatoes, lettuce, mint and chives this year, as well as a few (literally) peas. I doubt if we'll ever get a single cherry though - don't they need to be pollinated by another tree?

Another splash of instant colour - these remind me of mini sunflowers.

I absolutely love these Chinese lampions (Physalis) - they look like little pumpkins so they're great for welcoming in the autumn. I'm almost tempted to draw little Jack o' lantern faces on them !

I might have forced Madhouse Daddy into buying these too - a blackcurrant plant and a raspberry plant. Fingers crossed !

This was a Madhouse Daddy choice - I thought it looked half dead but it's supposed to be that colour apparently ! It's a Choisya Ternata Brica, or Mexican Orange Blossom.

I can't remember what this one was called but it came in a choice of colours - bright pink, orange, yellow, red ... They look like little balls of paper stuck on top of the leaves !

We're also looking at planting some herbs - we have some basil, parsley and coriander seeds to plant. It'll be fab if it all grows !

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  1. I have never seen a plant like the last one before. Lovely selection! I didn't grow peas this year, but my courgettes' crop was abysmal: two, I had only two courgettes. and so much hassle


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