Friday 20 September 2013

Skwooshi review

According to the official blurb, Skwooshi is "the cool new compound that stretches, moulds, and shapes into amazing detail with no mess and will never dry out". Sounds too good to be true? Well, that's what we wanted to find out when we were offered a pack to review.

We received the Color Mixer pack and, at first glance, it looks just like pretty much any other modelling dough. According to the box, you can mould it, shape it or "skwooshi" it, whatever that means! I was keen to see what this "cool new compound" was made of and how it differed from the usual suspects, but there isn't a great deal of information about the science behind it. We just learn that it is gluten and wheat free (which I guess is good if you have kids with food allergies). I went searching on internet and discovered that it is a “Non - Newtonian Fluid”. Hmm, well that's as clear as mud ! (I went and googled but it still totally went over my head so I'll just leave it there!)

The pack comes with a variety of cutting and shaping accessories, but again, there's nothing out of the ordinary. Time to start playing. Oooh this is where it all gets a bit weird ! It has a totally unique texture that is totally indescribable - words fail me ! It initially feels quite dry and grainy almost like sand, then it gets soft and squidgy and THEN - and I know this will make no sense at all if you haven't experienced it yourself - if you pull it apart quite quickly it turns almost to a liquid before becoming solid again. No, I haven't been at the cooking sherry, it really does ! The best thing I can do is show you in the publicity video (and I apologise for the annoying music !!).

Ah so that's what "skwooshing" is then !

I see a lot of "brand new and innovative" toys coming through The Madhouse for review that are basically just carbon copies of products already on the market, but I was pleased to see that Skwooshi really does have a totally different texture and feel to its competitiors. It does also totally live up to the claims on the packaging about never drying out and not making a mess (it doesn't stick to clothes or the carpet - yay!), both of which are huge advantages over the existing modelling doughs. We've been having great fun playing with it and I'll definitely be looking at the other packs on offer as stocking fillers this Christmas.

star rating : 4.5/5

RRP : £10.99

Disclosure : We received the product in order to write an honest review.

Other reviews you may be interested in :

Kitchen Science with Jelly !


  1. Great review, thank you, my girls are fascinated with the advert for this stuff and I've been toying with the idea of getting them some for Christmas, but they make such a mess with modelling clay, so it's great to read this stuff doesn't stick to the carpet.

    1. It's actually really hard to review because it's so unlike anything else ! Skwooshing is believing ! lol

  2. I've heard about this stuff, it sounds quite fascinating, I will have to buy some for my boys for xmas!

  3. Corn flour base that's all.


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